Large global resources company + Cahoot Learning: Scaling hybrid learning in a new world

50% of the world's workforce has to be reskilled or upskilled by 2025*.
Current models of learning cannot deliver on this need.

Data also shows that people want to learn from and with each other, not in isolation^. These two needs of scale and community seem to be at odds, with cost being a significant barrier to peer-to-peer learning.

Cahoot Learning challenges the status quo and argues you can have both. So how did Cahoot Learning enable this company to achieve a 90% cost saving, increase learner numbers and deliver great peer-to-peer learning.
*Source: World Economic Forum’s Future of Jobs Report
^Source: Holon IQ
Woman giving a presentation

Program Summary 2018-2021

Completion certificate
Completion Rate
Program graduates
Piggy bank
Cost savings vs face-to-face delivery
Capability Uplift

How it began.

The company started its internal development program in 2006 as a 5-day face-to-face delivery. As a strategic and high-profile program, it had a long waiting list of employees across the world eager to join. Every place was highly coveted.

Participants who complete the program successfully gain certification, which holds considerable weight within the industry and on their CV. If their team wins the final investment pitch, they receive significant recognition and a prestigious place on the program’s perpetual trophy.

Although the program was successful, it was also very costly and took people out of their day roles for up to 9 days. Thus, it was offered only to a very narrow band of senior personnel with 12% female enrolment. Due to the impact of the Global Financial Crisis, the program was withdrawn in 2014.
Woman working on laptop

How Cahoot Learning came into the picture.

In 2018, the company engaged Cahoot Learning to deliver a new hybrid version of the program. With only 10 days till launch, Cahoot Learning had a big challenge:
How do we build a hybrid program that delivers greater outcomes while retaining the high standards of its original face-to-face version?

What next?

The company partnering with Cahoot Learning put together a hybrid-learning program that brings cross-disciplinary and cross-functional teams from across the world through a 9-week digital experience followed by a 3-day on-ground resources game.

The 9-week digital delivery takes approximately 2 to 3 hours per week, includes synchronous and asynchronous activities that serve to:
  • Build foundational understanding on all key elements of resources knowledge and strategic planning.
  • Engage as a community and build relationships between all program participants and the facilitation team.
  • Break down siloed thinking.
  • Track progress and evaluate the readiness of individuals ahead of bringing them into the on-ground program.
And the purpose of the 3-day on-ground delivery, held on-site in Perth, Brisbane, Montreal and Salt Lake City, is to:
  • Apply digital learning into a practical, scenario-based game.
  • Create teams that develop a strategy and navigate a challenging set of scenarios (The Resources Game).
  • Have teams present their solutions to an investment panel to operationalise their solution.
  • Build on the relationships formed during the digital delivery and further consolidate the value of diverse, cross-disciplinary approaches.
The program culminates in teams pitching their strategy to an executive investment panel, with the winning team gaining significant recognition within the company.
People working on mine sites

Achievements through Cahoot Learning partnership...

Cost savings

The cost of the program was reduced by 90%!

Increase of class size

Class size was increased by 25%

Increase in diversity

Diversity of roles increased from 2 departments to a full value chainUplift from an original 12% females to 44%, and 10% indigenous enrolments in the latest delivery.

High completion rates

99% completion across all participants.

High engagement rates

281% engagement rating, over and above the program minimum requirements.

High capability uplifts

39% capability uplifts across the whole cohort.

Continuous impact of the program

We surveyed the program alumni on the impact of the program 1 to 3 years after their completion.
98.9% useful every day
98.9% of alumni found the program useful in their everyday work
99.3% retained knowledge
99.3% retained their knowledge from the program
"I guess the big surprise for me is that how we are all willing to engage, discuss, and share genuine experience with each other. When I first got to know it is going to be online, my concern was how intuitive the platform is going to be, but here I am thoroughly enjoyed the learning experience, replication opportunities, and expanded my network."
More testimonials
Thinking of creating a hybrid-learning program?
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